Creating the Lesson Plan
What is the content you are teaching and what are the big ideas?
On this lesson I will be teaching students how to create an Exit Presentation. An Exit Presentation is a tool that allows the learner to bring to the forefront the lessons and skills learned and experienced gained through the completion of their academic endeavor. The big idea here is for students to realize internally and speak about concretely the gains they have made through the year.
What are the challenging concepts that students struggle with or are difficult to teach?
On this lesson of of the challenging concept is assessing growth by having students look back and review and look back at their accomplishments in and out of the classroom. Another concept would be the use of the right tools in order to convey the information desired the best way possible.
What pedagogical strategies are you using and why?
There are three pedagogical strategies I will be using are the following. Discussions, because this will be a way to talk and elaborate on the essential questions. This whole group discussion will stimulate curiosity and focus student interaction. From there I will move to Modeling and Demonstration of how to use the technology we previously discussed. Lastly, we will move to Problem Solving. Students will follow instruction and steps to completing their assignment as they identify information to use, choose a plan of action, solving it, and complete peer reviews, as they understand the essential question.
What theories of learning inform your strategies?
Informative Processing and Cognitive Constructivism because students will be working with a fixed body of knowledge they need to acquire, and their understanding will depend on what they already know. Here learners will construct, rather than record their own understanding. These two cognitive theories share similarities between how the knowledge is gained. Individually when looking at Informative Processing and Cognitive Constructivism student learning will differ and move from acquisition of facts, skills, concepts which will occur through applications of strategies and application to prior knowledge to an active construction, restructuring prior knowledge which will occur through multiple opportunities and diverse processes to connect to prior knowledge. Due to what will be covered in class and how they are to relate and use the material, I feel that these two cognitive theories are the proper ones to achieve this academic goal.
What learner characteristics did you take into consideration?
I will focus on Self-Efficacy. The learners capabilities to organize and execute the actions necessary to complete their task. Also, I will focus on Visual-Spatial Intelligence. The ability of the learner to perceive the visual world and recreate aspects of it even in the absence of relevant stimuli. This intelligence is fundamentally tied to the concrete world and the locations of objects in that world.
Content & Pedagogy:
How do these particular strategies help you teach the content mentioned above?
These strategies will help provide the needed information, guidelines, and expectations in order for the learners to complete the exit presentation.
Why choose these strategies over other approaches?
These strategies fit best with the goal of my lesson and provide the best support for the students.
Are there any technical or physical constraints that figured significantly into your choices?
That I’ve thought of and prepared for I do not see any particular constrains that figure significantly into my choice of strategies or lesson.
What technology will you be using and why?
For this lesson I will be using Web 2.0 technologies like Prezi and SlideShare.
Is the use of this technology absolutely necessary to achieve your objective?
For the purpose of an exit presentation that shows the learners capability and knowledge of Web 2.0 technologies in order to present themselves as a more capable and better prepared future productive and professional member of society. The use of any Web 2.0 technologies is necessary.
That is, would be impossible to teach the lesson without it?
No, this lesson can be produced without any technology. But for the purpose of preparing leaners for todays professional world, it is necessary to use them here.
Technology & Pedagogy:
How does the technology you have chosen fit with your pedagogical strategies and theories about learning?
The use of Modeling and Demonstration fits perfectly in how Prezi and SlideShare will be originally taught. This is the best way to convey the necessary knowledge, procedures, and capabilities of these Web 2.0 technologies. Also, through Problem Solving students will be able to tackle the unavoidable hurtles they will encounter while working with these technologies. Regarding the theories about learning, both Prezi and SlidShare play an important role in Informative Processing and Cognitive Constructivism. Students will be working to acquire a new body of knowledge with their understanding depending on what is already known. Also, learners will build their own understanding.
What types of learning strategies are employed by the technology?
I will be employing Tutorials for both Prezi and SlideShare. I will also use a discussion group for the Exit Presentation in order for students to communicate with each other when comments, questions, and concerns.
Technology & Content:
How does your choice of technology help you teach the "big ideas" and address the essential questions underlying the concept your lesson addresses?
I believe that my choice of technology helps teach the big idea by showing the learners the flexibility of the multiple Web 2.0 tools and the professionalism it present. Also, it provides a look at two of multiple vessels that can be used to present anything that could have easily been completed without the use of technology. Lastly, the learners will be able to experience the reach of an Exit Presentation created in this manner, the preparation it requires for this type of presentation, the ability to hit key points in an impactful way, and multiple ways of delivery.
What do you want your students to know, and how will you know when they know it?
I want students to understand the purpose of presentations of this type, the level of preparation required, what should be addressed and how, and the best tool to be used that fits the goal of the presentation.
How will you assess what students have learned?
I will have a rubric established in order to assess if students have achieved the factors I’m looking for.
What role does technology play in these assessments?
Technology plays a major role in this assignment, and it will be pivotal that they learn and understand the limits and advantages of the tools provided.
Lesson Plan
Exit Presentation Lesson Plan
Name: Downer-Shojgreen Grade Level: 12th Grade Vocational Diploma Program
Overall lesson topic/title: How To Create An Exit Presentation
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Purpose of lesson:
What purpose is served by an Exit Presentation?
An Exit Presentation is a tool that allows the learner to bring to the forefront the lessons and skills learned and experienced gained through the completion of their academic endeavor.
How do you prepare for an Exit Presentation?
Student will understand the required level of preparation regarding research, organization, and proactivity for the purpose of creating an Exit Presentation.
What are the key points in an Exit Presentation?
Students will learn that the key points they choose to focus on will drive the type of presentation they put together regardless of the vessel they choose to use. Also, the key points of their presentation will be directly related to their growth and accomplishments socially and academically.
What is the best way to deliver an Exit Presentation?
The final goal of the lesson is to help students understand that there are multiple delivery method and tools that can be used for this type of presentation, and that each method and tool is directly related to the impact it has on its audience. With the use of Web 2.0 tools students will gain a better understanding of the impact created by the use of technology.
Computers, Tutorials for Web 2.0 technologies Prezi and SlideShare
Materials & Supplies
Paper and pencil
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I want students to understand the purpose of presentations of this type, the level of preparation required, what should be addressed and how, and the best tool to be used that fits the goal of the presentation. There is a rubric provided with this assignment, and this rubric will be used for their grading.
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Part I Activity
Introduction to the lesson
Talk to students about the material that will be covered.
8 min
Re-emphasize the classroom rules and expectations before the lesson.
Be an Active Learner/ Be Responsible for Yourself and Your Actions/ Be Respectful to yourself, each other, and each other’s things/ Always do your personal best
2 minutes
The classroom will engage in discourse over the essential questions and the goals of the lesson.
Discussion will stimulate curiosity and focus student interaction.
25 min
Modeling and Demonstration.
I will walk through and show students how to use each Web 2.0 technology in order for them to accomplish their Exit Presentation.
25 min
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Part II Activity / Next day
Recap of the lesson
Remind students of what was covered on the previous class.
8 min
Re-emphasize the classroom rules and expectations before the lesson.
Be an Active Learner/ Be Responsible for Yourself and Your Actions/ Be Respectful to yourself, each other, and each other’s things/ Always do your personal best
2 minutes
Problem Solving
Steps by step instructions to completing their Exit presentation. The will identify information to use, choose a plan of action, solving it, and complete peer reviews, as they understand the essential question.
50 min
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Part III Activity / Next day
Recap of the lesson
Remind students of what was covered on the previous class.
8 min
Re-emphasize the classroom rules and expectations before the lesson.
Be an Active Learner/ Be Responsible for Yourself and Your Actions/ Be Respectful to yourself, each other, and each other’s things/ Always do your personal best
2 minutes
Problem Solving
Steps by step instructions to completing their Exit presentation. The will identify information to use, choose a plan of action, solving it, and complete peer reviews, as they understand the essential question.
50 min
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Part IV Activity / Next day
Recap of the lesson
Remind students of what was covered on the previous class.
5 min
Re-emphasize the classroom rules and expectations before the lesson.
Be an Active Learner/ Be Responsible for Yourself and Your Actions/ Be Respectful to yourself, each other, and each other’s things/ Always do your personal best
2 minutes
Problem Solving
Steps by step instructions to completing their Exit presentation. The will identify information to use, choose a plan of action, solving it, and complete peer reviews, as they understand the essential question.
50 min
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Rubric comparison
10 min
Learner characteristics into consideration.
Self-Efficacy. The learners capabilities to organize and execute the actions necessary to complete their task.
Visual-Spatial Intelligence. The ability of the learner to perceive the visual world and recreate aspects of it even in the absence of relevant stimuli.
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Notes and Reflections
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