Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Final Blog Reflection for CEP 811

I am very proud of the work I’ve done and the growth I’ve achieved in this course. Although I’ve felt confident with the technology that we’ve used, I did my best to place my self, responsibly, in areas that I did not feel comfortable. First, regarding Instructional Design, it was difficult for me to understand what was been asked. With help from my instructor and classmates I was able to see the important factors that make it powerful. By understanding the desired results from a lesson, having the proper assessment evidence, providing the proper learning plan, and the necessary accurate reflection, I was able to understand what the teachers need to provide to the students. Second, my growth increased as I discovered Merlot and the many lessons to use, evaluate, and learn from. My work with Merlot gave me the opportunity to see much more that I’ve previously encountered in lessons, assignments, assessments, etc. Working with Merlot allowed me to understand how many other educators have had the same questions and confusions that I have faced. Third, the WebQuest and Web and Product Design were good assignments were I could display some of my best work, and it opened my eyes to the future use of these in and out of the classroom. Fourth, Universal Design for Learning and Assistive Technology allowed me to push my lesson design further and create a much more productive and proactive lesson. Finally, with Web 2.0 and Online Learning, with my work, I was able to better understand how fast technology improves and how it affects the classroom. That said, some of the areas of personal growth during this educational journey were the following. First, thanks to Merlot, it was the manner in which a lesson is evaluated for proper function. Thanks to collaborating and sharing there are a many lessons that educators can use. By using more formal evaluation processes we can look for the proper materials that would work the best in the classroom by meeting the needs and requirements regarding technology and/or subject content. Second, the use of Universal Design for Learning and Assistive Technology was intuitive, logic, and eye opening. By following certain principles like providing multiple means of representation, providing for multiple means of expression, and providing multiple means of engagement, better more complete lessons can be provided to learners. Third, I would have to say that the discovery of Merlot opened my eyes to many more resources that were available to be used. To have a free, world wide, open online community of resources designed for educators and learners, was a great jaw dropping realization. I’m a big believer in not re-inventing the wheel, and this allows for the sharing and the possible collaboration of resources. As we speak collaboration, the most important support I received during my learning process came from my classmates, as they allowed me to ask questions and provided me with insightful and accurate answers, and from my instructor who guided me through the individual obstacles I encountered. Although I feel confident that I contain the proper knowledge to carry out all of these lessons, I wish I would have expanded my knowledge about UDL and Assistive Technology. In my opinion, what limited my learning was the many correct angles that can be used in the creation of a lesson, making it easy to get lost in all the possible things that can be done. Also, UDL and Assistive Technology can reach much further than the classroom and I consider that very powerful. 
In my opinion, regarding what I’ve learned about effective teaching strategies and technology, the most important note I have learned is that their effectiveness increases when they are paired with the proper technology. Educators can create or modify existing lessons to reach and engage multiple students at a time. By integrating web-based technologies, as educators, we are forced to see the versatility that it is offered as plans for materials will be used as the educational content for the year is being discussed. As I think about my own personal goals for learning about technology integration, I have to say that I have not met them. There is much more technology that can be used in the classroom. Also, if my purpose is to be in the front line of educational technology discovery and application, I don’t think I will ever meet a level of satisfaction when it comes to learning technology and implementing it in the classroom. My next step is to further develop my educational technology career, as I begin working and collaboration with other organizations, groups, companies, schools, agencies, etc. As I finish my Masters and continue to my Ph.D. I plan to be a person of influence in the educational community. I have much that I need to learn and I would like to start making the connections necessary to continue learning as often and frequently as possible. I believe that my plans for technology in the future are still developing. One thing that I already know, is that I want to take on the newest technologies developed that are not created for education and see how they can be beneficial in education. I want to train future teachers in said technologies, push them to grow and know more technologies, and help them create the proactive thought process that maintains them ahead of the curve and remain technology savvy educators. Lastly, I would like to be one of the pioneers that pushes for a reconstruction of classrooms with more technology involvement. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A Few things about Online Learning

A Few things about Online Learning


I would like to say a few things about Online Learning. I like it very much, and I believe that it is a great tool that educators can use to help the students achieve a mastery over their subjects. When it comes to Online Learning My choice of technology to use, from the many available, is a wiki. I believe that the use of a wiki can extend from its intended purpose. For example, I can provide links to other created online experiences like Webquests, Educational Blogs, Podcast/Videocast, etc. Honestly, I think the same can be said from other Online Experiences. That said, the way I would use a wiki is as a Online portfolio where the student can place from written to video material they have created individually or as a group. This would be a good place to track documents and manage projects.

If I were to use a Wiki with a specific subject, I believe that a Wiki could help me teach Science. Aside from the classroom resources, students would have the ability to look anywhere online for questions, answers, variations to experiments, etc. With a Wiki and the help of other teachers and students, it could allow the advance learners to be more challenged and the struggling learners could find more help.

One of the teaching strategies that I would use with Wikis is cooperative learning approaches. Various types of cooperative learning exist, but I would have students working in groups producing the type of work that ensures them that contributing is necessary and they will be held accountable for their participation and learning. Also, I believe that this would be a good place for students to begin generating and testing hypotheses. This greatly complex form of thinking requires the applying knowledge. Students can utilize both inductive and deductive approaches to prove their hypothesis.

In my opinion, the technologies that would present the most difficulty to use for students would be the RSS Feed. The information brought from the feeds, depending on the site and the topic, can be tumultuous. If the student is not used to RSS Feeds and does not know how to extract the information necessary to arrive at a logical personal conclusion, these feeds can be more confusing that helpful.

Collaboration in Merlot Website

Collaboration in Merlot Website  

Hello again, I wanted to take this time and share this new website where I'm placing most the documents I create, it is called Merlot. Here is the link for the new info on Collaboration in Merlot.
Merlot 6 Keys

StAIR Project

StAIR Project

Hello everybody, I hope everyone enjoys this work on Collaboration. I honestly believe that everyone can and could benefit from this, I know I have. I hope everybody can get as much out of this as I have. The purpose of the StAIR project is to allow the student to review or refresh their knowledge about the 6 keys of collaboration. This would be a great tool to present before the beginning of group projects, class projects, and assignments where there is collaboration with outside resources.
6 Keys to Collaboration

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Working with Wikis

Working with Wikis 

After searching on Wikipedia I could not find anything talking about the the 
High School Equivalency Program (HEP) at Michigan State. So I decided to   
put a little something together for it.
It is just some basic information about who we are and what we do, and I hope that more
 people contribute to it.

I find Wikipedia a useful tool to help give you a ballpark idea regarding the subject you are searching for.
I say ballpark because, as you know, just about any body can edit the information on this site.

I'm really exited to add more content to my wiki, and for others to do the same. Imagine all the
information available, regarding education related technologies, just a flew keystrokes and mouse clicks

Here is a link EduKnowLogy, which is the page I created.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Universal Design for Learning

Universal Design for Learning

This research based framework for designing curricula allows all learners to acquire a willingness to learn, multiple types of skills, and knowledge. All of this is possible because UDL provides a valuable support for learning while reducing the barriers that prevent the curriculum to be effective, and it does all of this while still pushing for mastery of knowledge for students. UDL simply provides access to all learners that need it and benefit all who use it. This is a framework that is flexible and uses embedded and consistent assessments to measure the mastery of the learner. Finally, it all gives constant feedback in order to keep pushing the learner forward as the cover multiple materials and concepts.

This said, I have worked on my lesson plan and I believe UDL has help me develop it. Here is my UDL Check List and my new Lesson Plan